Trilogy at Vistancia

Overall Ranking: #22

Trilogy at Vistancia is an 18 hole links style golf course located on the outer edge of the Phoenix area. This location allows for a nice piece of property, set in a beautiful desert surrounding. The golf course is very solid and will test all types of golfers. The clubhouse is elegant and very well equipped for groups and couples alike. The only downside to Trilogy at Vistancia is the location is about 50 minutes from the Scottsdale area and can make for a long drive to and from the course. Conversely, if you are staying near Cardinal stadium or Coyotes stadium, then this course is only a 15-20 drive.

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Level Of Difficulty (6)

Awe Factor (6)

Conditions (6.5)

Value/Bang for your Buck (7)

Course Layout (6)

Service (8)

Proximity to Prime Hotels, Restaurants and Activities (1)

Scottsdale & Phoenix Area Golf Course Rating & Scale Guidelines


  1. Level of Difficulty: 1-10: 1 = Easiest / 10 Hardest
  2. Awe Factor: 1-10: 1 = Dud / 10 Amazing
  3. Conditions: 1-10: 1 = Goat Ranch/ 10 Augusta
  4. Value/Bang for your Buck: 1 = Lowest Value / 10 Amazing Bargain!!
  5. Course Layout: 1-10: 1 = Dud / 10 Amazing
  6. Service: 1-10: 1 = Terrible / 10 Amazing
  7. Proximity to Prime Hotels, Restaurants and Activities:
    1 = Boondocks – 1hr+
    2 = Outskirts – 45+ mins
    3 = City fringe – 30+ mins
    4 = Sweet spot – 20+ mins
    5 = Stumble home – 10 mins or less