Camelback Golf Course Padre

Overall Ranking: #27

Camelback has 18 holes of resort golf (Padre) and 18 holes of links style golf (Ambiente). This rating is specifically about the Padre course. This course was re-designed in 2015 and is set on an unimpressive piece of land, however, they have made this traditional parkland style course very playable and fun. The Padre course is very different to its sister Ambiente course (not as good, by a long shot) and plays shorter and has more generous landing areas and greenside complexes. This is a great course for beginners and is located in the heart of Scottsdale. It is your average course, with very good conditions.

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Level Of Difficulty (4)

Awe Factor (4)

Conditions (7)

Value/Bang for your Buck (4)

Course Layout (6)

Service (9)

Proximity to Prime Hotels, Restaurants and Activities (4.5)

Scottsdale & Phoenix Area Golf Course Rating & Scale Guidelines


  1. Level of Difficulty: 1-10: 1 = Easiest / 10 Hardest
  2. Awe Factor: 1-10: 1 = Dud / 10 Amazing
  3. Conditions: 1-10: 1 = Goat Ranch/ 10 Augusta
  4. Value/Bang for your Buck: 1 = Lowest Value / 10 Amazing Bargain!!
  5. Course Layout: 1-10: 1 = Dud / 10 Amazing
  6. Service: 1-10: 1 = Terrible / 10 Amazing
  7. Proximity to Prime Hotels, Restaurants and Activities:
    1 = Boondocks – 1hr+
    2 = Outskirts – 45+ mins
    3 = City fringe – 30+ mins
    4 = Sweet spot – 20+ mins
    5 = Stumble home – 10 mins or less